Baker IsoGARD® Class III Biological Safety Cabinet
Baker’s IsoGARD® series Class III glovebox is designed for research involving agents assigned to BSL-3 and -4 facilities, or where a very high level of containment is required because of the nature of the protocol. The cabinets are designed to allow safe handling of hazardous microbiological agents or pharmaceutical potent compounds under contained conditions. IsoGARD meets the very stringent performance, construction and leaktesting requirements of Class III biological safety cabinetry, as defined by the U.S. Federal Register.
IsoGARD Class III biological safety cabinets are advanced, high-containment equipment, representing more than 60 years of experience in the design and manufacture of Class II biological safety cabinets and other containment and contamination control equipment. This collective knowledge has been applied to our line of Class III cabinets to offer the maximum level of product, personnel and environmental protection. Personnel protection, of utmost importance for Class III applications, is accomplished by placing a primary physical barrier between the laboratory investigator and the biological agent.
• Three standard models offer two, three and four-glove primary working chambers along with a host of options that allow users to tailor a cabinet to meet the unique needs of their work.
• An integral, full-size HEPA-filtered pass-through chamber with a unique space-saving, front-opening glass panel door allows users to introduce samples into the main working chamber with ease. A built-in gloveport allows the user to manually wipe down and clean the interior of the pass-through as well as aid in the manipulation of samples.
• Equipped with full-coverage, ceiling-mounted supply HEPA filters to ensure an ISO Class 4 (Class 10) operating environment, as well as easy removable, special designed cartridge-style exhaust HEPA filters to provide environmental protection.
• Operates continuously under negative pressure to ensure continued personnel protection in the event of a glove or seal failure.
• Built to the highest leak-tightness specifications to ensure the safety of laboratory workers. Each IsoGARD is factory tested using a Class III Helium leak test prior to shipping.
• Equipped with full-coverage, ceiling-mounted supply HEPA filters to ensure an ISO Class 4 (FS209E Class 10) operating environment, as well as easily removable, specially designed cartridge-style exhaust HEPA filters to provide environmental protection.
• Gas-tight construction and utilization of a pass-through chamber to move materials into and out of the main cabinet further ensure containment within the primary working area.
• Built-in dual digital DIN style gauges monitor proper operating pressures in both the pass-through and main chambers.
• Ergonomic features such as oval gloveports mounted directly into the 10° tilted viewing window, exhaust plenums located away from a sitting operator’s knees and external light canopies positioned above the user’s head provide maximum comfort.
• Cabinet construction features combine to make required maintenance and service easy and safe, thus minimizing downtime.